12_4 TIGER Broadcast (Database Milestones, People to Pixels and More)

Hello, and welcome to GeoSpatial Stream. I’m your host, Todd Danielson, and today’s Lead Sponsor is Bentley Systems and Informed Infrastructure.

Today’s Top Story is “People to Pixels.” That’s the name of the remote-sensing approach used by Eric Lambin, whose research won the 2014 Volvo Environment Prize. Satellite data and computing power allow businesses, NGOs and governments to monitor environmental effects from human activities to better understand actual land use on the ground. Here’s a video that summarizes some of his work:

That was today’s Top Story. I’ll be back with more news after this brief message.

Informed Infrastructure and Bentley Systems have partnered to present a V1 Media Continuing Education Webcast titled “Structural Steel Fabrication Package: A Paradigm Shift.”

This Webcast will discuss a proof of concept for how structural engineers can change the way steel is delivered to a project. Construction schedules can be shortened by weeks, RFIs and change orders are mostly eliminated, and the shop preferences of the fabricator can be incorporated to maximize the efficiency of the entire delivery system. Case studies will be presented to support this new process.

The Webcast will be held Friday, December 12th, at 1 p.m. Eastern, and Continuing Education Credits from AIA are available. You can find a link to the Webcast at the Informed Infrastructure Web site, or click on the text immediately after this broadcast.


The U.S. Census Bureau celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) database, and this is no minor milestone. TIGER, initially created for the 1990 Census, was a major component in propelling GIS and digital mapping into the 21st century.

According to U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, “TIGER helped grow an entire industry and created many good jobs by providing popular mapping products integral to the everyday lives of Americans.”

In industry headlines, Esri’s Living Atlas of the World won three major cartographic awards at the International Map Industry Association conference recently held in Denver. The atlas provides an interactive collection of maps, apps and tools that includes basemaps, imagery, demographics, urban systems and historical maps.

SmarterBetterCities released CloudCities, a 3-D Web-sharing platform that gives users control over how 3-D content is viewed and shared.

TomTom’s Telematics business acquired Fleetlogic, one of the leading fleet-management service providers in the Netherlands.

And ThinkGeo released updated World Map Kit Online and World Map Kit SDK Editions now based on OpenStreetMap data. The World Map Kit includes worldwide street-level coverage, improved map rendering and more-frequent map-update options.

Today’s Final Thought comes from Greg Bentley, the CEO of Bentley Systems, whom we were able to speak with at the recent Year in Infrastructure event in London. You can watch the entire interview on GeoSpatial Stream or Informed Infrastructure, but here are a few words:

That’s it for this broadcast, but if you’d like to receive alerts when new GeoSpatial Stream videos are released, or sign up for additional V1 Media newsletters, please visit this Web site and register: geospatialstream.com/subscribe

I’m Todd Danielson, and this … was your GeoSpatial Stream.